Talent acquisition is an essential art

The days of ‘post and pray’ recruitment, where you just hoped the right applicant would find and apply to your job listing, are gone. Today’s candidate-driven job market gives savvy professionals the upper hand and high expectations when seeking a new role. In response, companies must adapt and develop their recruitment endeavours or risk talent acquisition failure.

For 21st century recruitment, nothing can be left to chance: what’s needed are strategic, omni-channel tactics to be in place well before any vacancies arise. Inbound and outbound recruiting strategies are two major recruiting methods used in Talent Acquisition. There has been a lot of buzz around these terms lately, but what do they really mean? And which form of recruiting is better for your company and your hiring needs? Inbound and Outbound recruiting are long and short-term recruiting solutions.

You can count on DCG Concepts to bring our talents to develop a sound, highly-creative talent acquisition strategy, unique to your company. Having it in place is the essential first step to creating the necessary tools to find just who you’re looking for.


Let’s not ignore the financial gain. We can help lower your ‘cost per hire’ with compelling recruitment marketing that reaches your kind of people in the right way for them. And, withan explicit talent acquisition strategy in place you can build recruitment marketing campaigns that source sustainably, albeit junior candidates or attracting the talents who will be future leaders of your company and secure its growth.


Our recruitment marketing works as we have a strong grasp of the complexities it must navigate. You don’t need to tell us that long-term staffing solutions require an advanced recruitment and hiring strategy. We get that it may take time for the involved time, cost and quality factors to improve dramatically and we build this in. But yet, if your plans are more for the short term we have the answers for that as well. In all cases, we’ll shape recruitment marketing that fits your company and its hiring needs.


Candidates do their homework. You need to be prepared for them to research you and your competitors. The last thing you want to appear is generic or bland. That’s why we create sustainable and accessible omni-recruitment marketing that understands audiences and beats the rest of the pack, with:

  • Digital employee testimonials
  • Career websites and landing pages
  • Digital and print on-boarding materials
  • Digital recruitment videos
  • Digital recruitment advertising
  • Multimedia recruitment event experience design